How Do Solar Panels Work?

Many people ask: How do Solar Panels Work?

An increasing number of people are considering having solar panels installed on their home’s roofs in order to receive the different benefits they provide.

For one, your roof becomes a site for generating electricity rather than the plain old roof that tops off an entire property. This electricity can then be utilized by the household to heat air or water, which means that your consumption of electricity from traditional sources is reduced—and consequently, your energy bills go down.

That isn’t the only kind of cost savings you can expect when you have your roofs fitted with a solar panel. Tax credit is another—the Solar Investment Tax Credit can be claimed by homeowners on federal income taxes for 30% of the amount it cost them to purchase a solar photovoltaic system.

Many see this technology as a worthwhile investment that not only helps people realize savings, but also contributes to the conservation of precious natural resources and the improvement of the environment. To get more people interested in the system, it would be helpful if the basic question coming from various households is answered: How do solar panels work?

1. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells, of which silicon (a semi-conductor) is a crucial component. Silicon can effectively control electricity because it can insulate as well as conduct electricity in different conditions.

2. Various elements can be introduced to an atom of silicon to produce two different types of silicon: p-type lacks electrons, while n-type has extra electrons. When these two types are placed next to each other in a photovoltaic cell, the n-type silicon’s extra electrons fill the gaps within the p-type silicon. This causes the p-type to have a negative charge and the n-type to have a positive charge. This is a state of imbalance, but because silicon is excellent at insulation, the imbalance is effectively maintained.

3. At this stage, the photovoltaic cell can now receive sunlight—and sunlight is made up of photons. These photons come into contact with the silicon atoms and proceed to transfer their energy onto loose electrons. These loose electrons are then kicked off of the silicon atoms, but they won’t be going anywhere in a frenzy—the previously mentioned imbalance has built up an electrical field which controls the loose electrons, keeping them in a constant state of movement which is, essentially, an electrical current. This is the electricity generated by the solar panel, which can now be used by the household.

If you’re interested in determining if solar panels would be a valuable feature to have in your property, your best move would be to get in touch with your local roofing specialists. These professionals take care of roofing repairs, replacement, insulation, and the installation of solar panels, and they would be the best people to talk to about harnessing the power of solar energy for your home.