How Do You Know If You Need New Gutters?

Your gutters represent a vital function in managing rainfall runoff around your home.  Gutters protect your siding and foundation from water damage, which is the reason why it’s important that they are serviced regularly.  However, in some situations, gutter replacement is the best option:


Cracks and Chipped Paint

If your gutters are cracked or chipped, you should consider changing your gutters.  Cracks in your gutters will lead to a variety of problems, including water leaks.  If your gutters are painted, look for indications of flaking paint, as this indicates that water leaks are deteriorating the layer of paint on your gutters. Damage from hail is also a typical cause of cracking.  Look for rust in the seams of your gutters. If you spot rust on the outside of your gutters, you can be pretty sure rust can be found on the inside.


Brown Spots on the Exterior

Browning of your home’s siding near your gutters is a sign your gutters aren’t doing their job. When it rains, water is not being properly diverted to the downspouts, and your gutter is either overflowing or leaking onto the siding.


Section Gaps

If sections of your gutter lines are pulling away from each other at the fastening points, repair or replacement is required. In some cases, refastening can fix this problem, however other instances, the problem lies in the installation and measurements, indicating the problem will come back regardless of how many times the sections are refastened together.

If you’re not sure if you just need a repair job or replacement, Hollister Roofing will be glad to inspect your gutters and recommend what you need.  Contact your Hollister California roofing and gutter experts by calling 831-636-0188 or click here for a free estimate.