Summer is right around the corner! Did you know that during these summer months the average temperature is 82ºF? According to weather forecast data, August is the warmest month on average in Hollister, and temperatures in our area have reached over 110ºF over the last few years!
With hot summer time weather looming, there are a few things to think about over the coming months.
First, the summer season is a perfect time to have any roof replacement project done. During this time your roof is dry, and perfect for inspection. While you make vacation plans, get your air conditioner inspected, and light up the barbecue, it’s also an ideal time to have the professionals at Hollister Roofing give your roof a checkup. We can replace broken tiles, check your flashing and vents, and reseal or replace vent collars, chimneys, skylights and walls. Don’t wait until the rainy season to stop leaks, prevent them before they happen during the coming months. Water damage is several times more costly to repair than it is to prevent!
One energy saving aspect to consider with the coming hot weather beating down on your roof is proper ventilation. Have you noticed that on a particularly warm day your upstairs floor is unusually warm or just plain hot? This could be related to extreme temperatures in your home’s attic. There are several things you can do to reduce this heat, which will save you money on your AC bill and make your home more comfortable. This could be related to extreme temperatures in your home’s attic. By making sure that your attic is properly insulated, you can keep cool air in and hot air out. 25% of temperature loss is through your roof, this percentage is equal to that of your doors and windows, making it just as important!
Even with attic insulation, if your attic area is not properly ventilated, you will still be noticing higher temperatures. A power fan can suck hot air right out of the roof, and is automatically controlled by a thermostat. Older homes have simple gable vents at either end of the attic, but this system is the least effective for large areas, and usually requires a fan at one end to force air out of the other.
Now that it is dry, it’s a great idea to check for missing shingles. During the winter, some shingles can lose adhesion and become loose. Replacing these shingles now can save thousands of dollars later.
Lastly, while you are up in the attic, check for cracks or slivers of light coming through. Now is the perfect time to get these issues fixed before they become costly and unsightly water damage.
Your roof was built to protect your living area from all sorts of weather. This means that it is important to have it inspected regularly, at least on an annual basis or after severe weather events (remember, the temperatures in our area reach over 100 degrees regularly over summer)! Hollister Roofing has replaced over 100 roofs locally, and is well known in the community for our professional work.
Check out the Roofing Specials page to save hundreds of dollars on maintenance and services to get your roof ready for summer!
Get your free roof estimate today!